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Hendricks Chapel

As the heart of Syracuse University, Hendricks Chapel leads in service to our common good as a student-centered global home for religious, spiritual, moral and ethical life.

Hendricks Chapel on the Syracuse University quad

Hendricks Chapel opened its doors to the University community in September of 1930. Since that time, the University has changed from a relatively small, Methodist-affiliated academy to the large, diverse, multi-faith University it is today.

With a focus on belonging and education of the whole person, Hendricks Chapel remains fully committed to religious and spiritual expression and serves as a center of activity for all members of the Syracuse University campus community.

Religious Groups

Hendricks Chapel is home to all student religious and spiritual groups on campus. These groups span a wide variety of religious traditions and spiritual interests, and are open to all students. While each group serves a particular faith constituency, all work together as part of S.A.I.L. (Student Assembly of Interfaith Leaders) on issues of interfaith engagement, student welfare, and spiritual programming.

For more information, visit the lower level of Hendricks Chapel or visit


“Grab a Warm Drink”

Follow @oursyracuseu on Instagram for a look at Syracuse University through the eyes of our students.

One of my favorite places to grab a warm drink before class is People's Place. My favorite drink on the menu is the Austin Powers, which is half coffee and half hot chocolate. I love this drink because I'm not a huge coffee fan. If you've never been to People's Place, I recommend trying it out!

—Jessica Engs

The Food Pantry

The Food Pantry serves all students from Syracuse University and the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) at no cost. You may request food should you need it, or refer other students. To donate food, bring non-perishable or perishable items to the Dean's Office.